Come explore the household items sale at a flea market, where you can find exquisite antique silverware waiting to be discovered.

Discover Your Next Treasure Hunt

At Come Find Your Treasure, we're excited to announce our upcoming in-person moving tag sales and household items' sale, curated for clients looking to declutter, clean out, or find unique pieces to redecorate their homes. Whether you're preparing to put your house on the market or seeking extra cash for your items, we offer moving-out services and a trove of opportunities.

For Clients

  1. Clean Out Before Selling: Our tag sales are perfect for those ready to declutter and prepare their homes for the market. Transform your space and find new homes for your cherished belongings.
  2. Sell Contents of Parents' Estate: Navigate the process of selling the contents of your parents' estate with ease. Our experienced team is here to guide you through the journey, ensuring a dignified and profitable sale.
  3. Declutter and Earn Extra Cash: If you're looking to part with items that are worthy of some extra cash, our tag sales provide the perfect platform. Turn your unused treasures into valuable assets.
  4. Redecorate Your Home: Find unique furniture pieces and decor items to give your home a fresh new look. Our tag sales feature a diverse range of items that can add character to any space.
A collection of antique household items, including pots and utensils, displayed on a table for sale.
A tray of dishes and cups on a wooden table featuring household items for sale.

Special Offer: Furniture Presale

Certain furniture items are available for presale before the tag sale or online auctions. If you spot something you love, don't hesitate to give us a call and find out more about presale opportunities.

Save the Date for February 2024

We're already hard at work planning in-person moving tag sales for February 2024. Mark your calendar and stay tuned for details on these upcoming events. Join us for a day of exploration, discovery, and the chance to find your next cherished possession. For more information about other sales, visit our past sales page.

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Nulla interdum nec dolor ut efficitur. Phasellus et erat lacus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames.

Donec quis ornare elit. Nam rutrum vel nunc in luctus. Aenean sodales tristique enim nec bibendum. Nulla pellentesque libero in orci rhoncus, vitae blandit sapien molestie.

Interested in finding stylish and functional household items for sale? Look no further! We have a room available, complete with elegant furniture such as a table and chairs. Don't miss out on the opportunity to